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Due to the regulations of the Dutch government with regard to the corona-virus, we have to cancel our stallion presentation on 28th March 2020. However we will have an internet broadcast with the stallions and their offpsring that day. Team Nijhof
At the KWPN Stallion show our stallion Grandorado TN won the Stallion grand Prix and Hihgway M TN was in second place. Both ridden by Willem Greve and both owned by Team Nijhof and both sons of Eldorado van de Zeshoek.
At the KWPN stallionshow in Den Bosch our dressage stallion Johnson was awarded KWPN horse of the year. In this elections, he received by far the most votes from the breeders.
Our stallion Eldorado van de Zeshoek, recieved the highest possible award in kwpn breeding. He became ‘Preferent’. More over he was the sire of the total top 3 podium in the biggest class at the KWPN stallionshow 2020. The VHO trophee at 1.40 –...
Our Team Nijhof stallions Eldorado van de Zeshoek and dressage stallion United will be awarded BWP Ambassador during the coming BWP approvals on 17th January 2020 at their stallionshow. Very proud of this super achievement.